The Cupano farm was established in 1996 on the western side of Montalcino, but the love that binds the two owners to this place framed by Val d’Orcia hills began twenty years earlier, when Lionel Cousin and his wife Ornella joined a friend who owned an old ruin just above the Ombrone river.
It was on this occasion that Lionel decided to give up his career as a film director and move to Val d’Orcia, where he set up a winery that now produces prestigious wines.
The Cupano vineyards extend for seven hectares of the thirty-four hectares that make up the estate. They are located in the hills west of Montalcino and enjoy a microclimate and subsoil composition that are perfect for ensuring the proper ripening of the grapes.
The winery’s philosophy is inspired by the teachings of French winemaker Henri Jayer and involves limited vine areas, the use of completely natural fertilisers and pesticides, and a careful selection of the grapes and fermentation based on indigenous yeasts.
Production was entrusted to the world-famous oenologist Carlo Ferrini, who selected the best soils in which to plant the individual grape varieties and the rooted cuttings, the planting layout and the height of the rows. The winemaking process, on the other hand, was until recently entrusted to François Bouchet, the guru of biodynamics, who has contributed to creating the fine wines that today characterise the Cupano winery.
Among the excellences of the Agricola Cupano winery are: Brunello di Montalcino (Vintage or Reserve) and Rosso di Montalcino.

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