He continued to cultivate the family land in the hills of the Valpolicella. Still, he also began to think about wine not as the thirst-quenching drink, but as a quality product to promote as lively and delectable for celebrations and get-togethers. His sons would continue to work through two world wars, contributing to the small community of Pedemonte where we still live and work today. Our fathers, Sergio, Franco, Ezio and Dario, began the modern expansion of the family business, carefully buying and managing vineyards in Valpolicella Classica and the Veronese denominations of Lugana, Bardolino, Custoza and Soave during the post-war economic boom. In the 1970s, the brothers built the modern winery and offices. The winery continued to grow, evolve and consolidate. The objective has always been ownership of vineyards, and complete control of the process from vine to table under the Tommasi label.